Worlds Top 5 free fire records

Worlds Top 5 free fire records

 Worlds Top 5  Free fire records Garena Free Fire Max has become a leading choice for mobile gamers in India, especially those seeking an intense battle royale experience. This enhanced version of the popular Garena Free Fire boasts stunning visuals and action-packed gameplay, offering a compelling alternative after the original title’s ban.

Garena Free Fire Max has captured the hearts of Indian gamers, establishing a strong presence in the esports scene. With its focus on strategy, survival, and teamwork, the game provides a thrilling platform for competitive matches and exciting esports viewership.

Free Fire has its own set of records that players strive to break.

Worlds Top 5  Free fire records

Types of Free Fire Records

There are three main categories of Free Fire records:

Individual Records:

Worlds Top 5  Free fire records These free fire  records are for achievements that can be accomplished by a single player. Some of the most notable individual records include:

Most kills in a single match:50 (Solo vs Squad mode)

Most headshots in a single match:30

Most damage dealt in a single match: 2999

Most revives in a single match:10

Farest distance traveled in a single match: 12000 meters

Worlds Top 5  Free fire records
  1. Team Records:

These records are for achievements that can be accomplished by a team of players. Some of the most notable team records include:

Most kills by a team in a single match: 120 (Squad mode)

Most damage dealt by a team in a single match:10000

Most revives by a team in a single match:20

Farest distance traveled by a team in a single match:40000 meters

  1. Game Mode Records:

These records are for achievements that are specific to certain game modes. Some of the most notable game mode records include:

Fastest victory (Solo vs Squad mode): 3 minutes 15 seconds

Fastest victory (Clash Squad mode):4 minutes 20 seconds

Longest survival time (Solo vs Squad mode): 20 minutes

Longest survival time (Clash Squad mode): 15 minutes


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